Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I think I am lazy

No seriously
I used to work full time and go to school full time so i never had a day off.  Now i am back in tampa and i almost refuse to look for a job.  I know i need one, but i don't want one! Can't i just live off of financial aid?  I am a good budgeter i can make it work.  Its 5pm and i am suppose to go school to work on my trend board.  I have to do a trend board for a classic style (you know little black dress etc something of that nature) kind of a oxymoron huh? trend and classic. I have no ideas in what to do though. 
Oh well

I have to get in the mode of doing these! I want to do it!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

This is the begining

So I always try to start blogs and quickly give up.  But this time I really want to do it.  I have a blog on myspace, but it doesn't feel like a blog to me.  I have a youtube but I don't vlog.  I guess I don't understand why people would just want to watch me talk about my life.  I don't think they would.  I guess I could say the same thing about this.  Why would people want to read about my life?  Well... because I know people won't read this.

Anyway I will have a real post later!
